Family Business Constitution Consulting

Lead the Future with Us

The Family Constitution ensures that the family relations are institutionalized in the company management while the family companies are institutionalized, the duties, authorities and responsibilities are clear, and the path to be followed while transferring the company management to the next generation.

The Family Constitution is prepared uniquely for each family and ensures that the framework of the future of the Family Company is determined clearly, and that family members take target oriented paths for their companies without dealing with family issues.

Oset Group offers Family Constitution Preparation Consultancy Service that can be applied to family companies by taking into account the structural balances of the family and the corporate identity of the company with its expert consultant team.

Family Constitution Preparation Process:

  1. Family meeting,
  2. Organizing the family forum,
  3. Starting the interview process with family members,
  4. Election of council members, determination of company method and selection criteria,
  5. Establishment of the family council,
  6. Determination of the purpose of the family council (determination of working, selection, stay conditions and criteria),
  7. Determining the family mission,
  8. Identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the family,
  9. Determining the scope of the Family Constitution,
  10. Determination of sub-working groups,
  11. Preparation of the draft Family Constitution,
  12. Presenting the draft of the Family Constitution and getting the opinions of the family members,
  13. Finalizing the Family Constitution,
  14. Determining the conditions for revising / changing the Family Constitution,
  15. Signing the constitution by family members and completing the project.