Corporate Consulting

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Institutionalization is the process of establishing a management and organizational structure that enables a legal entity to continue and develop its activities regardless of the human factor. Institutionalization for a business means low cost, efficiency, speed and sustainability.

95% of companies in Turkey consists of a family business. The institutionalization of family companies is very important for the stability of the economy.

Advantages of Institutionalization:

  1. The organization works more regularly and systematically,
  2. The company increases its competitiveness,
  3. It becomes easier to maintain control,
  4. Failure rate decreases,
  5. Achieving the goals becomes easier,
  6. Authorizations and responsibilities are clear,
  7. Different perspectives appear,
  8. Budget and business plans are more clear,
  9. Time is used more efficiently for employers and managers.

Oset Group offers Institutionalization Consultancy Service for legal entities based on the APPLICATION and taking into account the realities of the business in person with its expert consultant staff.

Within the Scope of Management Consultancy, The Following Subjects Will Be Covered According to the Status of the Business:

  1. Developing the organizational structure
  2. To make regular evaluations about the structure and efficiency of the Board of Directors and to present its recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding the changes that can be made in these matters,
  3. Developing the management reporting system,
  4. To determine and oversee the approach, principles and practices of the Board Members and senior executives regarding performance evaluation and career planning,
  5. To determine the suggestions of the Members of the Board of Directors and senior executives regarding the remuneration principles by considering the long-term goals of the Company,
  6. To make recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding the implementation of management practices that increase the company's performance, and reviewing and evaluating the systems and processes that the Company develops or will develop,
  7. To determine the institution's five-year strategic targets,
  8. To establish the Executive Board and to achieve a target-oriented structure, determine the duties and responsibilities accordingly,
  9. To redefine the distribution of duties and authorities of all staff. Developing the “Corporate Authority Matrix”,
  10. To establish the internal audit unit of the organization, to report to the board of directors by making regular inspections,
  11. Developing, managing and following up a corporate meeting format

Necessary institutional analyzes are made according to the needs of the business, and the evaluation is discussed with the management units. A business plan is developed in order of importance such as urgent-priority and action is taken.