Political Consulting

Lead the Future with Us

Political Candidate Development

One of the most important requirements for active politics is how you introduce yourself to the electorate as a politician. This is an important planning step that affects your entire political life. Our consultancy system offers you the analyzes made by a professional team in their fields thanks to the one-on-one shadow coaching method. Thanks to these analyzes, after determining your strengths and weaknesses, we teach you to control your weaknesses while highlighting your strengths together. As the Oset Group team, we work in detail on the impression that our clients have made in public and their interaction with the voters. We achieve success as our image enhancement goals and efforts coincide with the realities of you and our society. 

Campaign Planning

Oset Group Consultancy provides professional services to candidates who want to enter politics, active politics, political parties and affiliated organizations to plan and execute election campaigns within the framework of accurate and effective goals and to evaluate data. In these subjects, which require extremely detailed and meticulous work, the Oset Group team determines your needs and offers intense teamwork in accordance with the dynamics of your target audience at the end of personal strategic planning and analysis. In addition, it supports these activities with the trainings it provides in the provincial / district organizations, main level, youth and women's branches for the purpose of supporting the work within the party and outside the campaign.

Execution and Evaluation of Internet Campaigns

We believe that the internet and social media networks play an important role in conveying the right messages to the young and dynamic voter structure of our country, ensuring effective communication and shaping political opinions. The correct use of new media sources in election campaigns around the world has proven to be decisive in the results. For this reason, we not only apply these methods together with our clients, but also use the data we obtain with these methods in the planning of political strategies by interpreting them in the fastest and most accurate way. Our professional team in the management of social media networks is your biggest support in running your online campaigns. The Oset Group team also provides a detailed training program for volunteer campaigners, who will be chosen by you, to run such campaigns throughout the year and ensure continuity.

Crisis Management

It is not possible to control all kinds of factors in politics. Sometimes people find themselves as actors of a scenario they don't want. It is mostly possible to eliminate this situation with the least damage and to control the situations that may be disadvantageous. However, working with the right team and vision in this matter will make the real difference. Regular monitoring and directing of the interest of the voters, reorganization of media communication, structuring of discourses and written statements are the most important tools to overcome crisis situations. With the problem that arises, the right measures taken in the most urgent time frame are decisive not only for your image but also for your future success.

Political Advertising

In political campaigns, the preparation of advertisements to be transmitted via the internet, commercials to be broadcast on television and the material to be featured in the print media requires meticulous work. These studies must be the work of a team specialized in political analysis. Otherwise it cannot produce the right effect. In addition, all of the advertising campaigns must be compatible with the general strategic approach. The lack of any of these items results in highly costly campaigns that do not reach the target, do not have the right effect. Oset Group Consulting combines the right team with political strategy and runs campaigns that meet expectations. In this way, correct messages are conveyed to the voters and the team is one step closer to success.